person standing in woods

Sacred Space. Spiritual Care. Paradigm Shift.

With over 25 years of experience creating sacred space for groups and individuals, Livi’s ministry is dedicated to paradigm shift; to composting the dominator, fear-based, pathologizing, power-over model while cultivating a cooperative, mystery-loving, inclusive, power-within model, so that all humans may realize their wholeness and inherent divinity.
woman sitting on swing near waterfall
woman sitting on swing near waterfall

You deserve profound witnessing

Experience holistic care in service to transformation.

Holistic Spiritual Care Sessions Available

Shoulder to shoulder we will chart and navigate the course of transformation you create; possibilities include Reiki, tapping (EFT), BodySongs**, and non-ordinary state journeys.

two person standing on train window
two person standing on train window
Cooperative Approach

Healing is an "inside job" - only you know what you truly need; Livi will bring decades of learning and personal experience to help you realize and express your unique gifts and your wholeness.

silhouette of two person sitting on chair near tree
silhouette of two person sitting on chair near tree
A little more about Livi...
Enduring threads:
- the seeker / questioner - always digging for the "real reasons" of why and how;
- the catalyst / change agent - confident that change is possible, cognizant that even positive change is daunting and requires support;
- the witness / revealer - seeing and tracking patterns, helping bring the unconscious into the conscious;
- and creatrix of sanctuary - holding space for people and other creatures to be their most vulnerable raw precious selves.
Livi is an ordained minister, a Reiki master, an EFT practitioner, a permaculture enthusiast, a dancer, an adventurer and transformational awareness catalyst who has an M.A. in Clinical Counseling, an intense familiarity with liminal spaces, and lots of reasons to be incredibly grateful.

Connect with Livi

Schedule an exploratory call with Livi to learn more about the holistic spiritual care and embodied transformation sessions Livi offers.

You deserve support.